About Company

What we are here to solve
Small business owners in Canada are apprehensive about creating a database for their company since it is perceived to be a costly procedure. As a result, they are unable to undertake company activity analysis or obtain the relevant data when they urgently need it.
Furthermore, there are not many options on the market for small businesses to integrate the database technologies into the company’s workflow.
When calamity strikes a business, owners have more significant challenges since they do not have all of the company’s information in one place. To find a tiny amount of vital data, they need to go through various vendors and use multiple strategies to extract the data.

Our goals
We live in a data-rich world, yet most businesses still rely on out-of-date, inaccurate, and incomplete databases. Small businesses or any organization could work better with our HORUS GUARD custom-designed App.
It combines fingertip availability of all data for employees and customers on the go with easy workflow, approvals with the well-connected business process across the business eco-system of partners, suppliers and customers, including embedded layered security accessible from both mobile and computers using a mix of internet resources like maps, email and text messaging.
We aim to create a modular custom app for any organization who can plug-in the required module to make their daily tasks a lot less effort and more fun. If any business already has a database, we can dust off a dingy database by incorporating new features, cleaning up old code and giving that database a fresh, user-friendly interface.